Dragon Pharma, Europe Winstrol 10 Dragon Pharma, Europe Winstrol 10
Oral Steroids

Winstrol 10

50.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Pharmaceutical name: Stanozolol
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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U.S. Domestic

Winstrol 10 Detailed

Dragon Pharma Winstrol 10

Stanozolol is also known as Winstrol.

Most people find oral Winstrol to be less effective than injectable Winstrol. One reason could be that many athletes don't take enough Winstrol tablets. This opinion can be confirmed if you consider that Winstrol Depot is typically injected at 50 mg per day or 50 mg every other day, and compare this to the daily tablet intake. Male athletes prefer the injectable form to the tablets. Women most often prefer oral stanzolol. Women need a smaller daily dose of stanozolol, which is 10-20 mg per day. Then the daily dose is reduced to 5-10 mg. Another reason women take the oral drug is that the dose can be evenly distributed throughout the day. The advantage of this is that androgen-related side effects (virilization phenomena) can be reduced.

Athletes who decide to try the oral form of Stanozlol should take the daily dose twice per day, more often in the morning and evening with meals and a right amount of water. This ensures good absorption of the active substance and at the same time minimizes the possibility of gastrointestinal disorders.

Winstrol 10 Reviews
Jan 4, 2024 (09:47)

I was hesitant to try Dragon Phrama Winstrol 10 tabs, but I’m glad I did. I’ve seen an improvement in my overall strength and I feel better than ever. Highly recommend this product!

Carrie R
Jan 3, 2024 (09:46)

I bought this product before entering a powerlifting competition and it truly made a difference. I was able to complete all my exercises with ease and felt so much stronger overall. Will definitely be buying again

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