Dragon Pharma, Europe Sustanon 350
Injectable Steroids

Sustanon 350

60.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone Blend
Pack: 10 ml vial (350 mg/ml)

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U.S. Domestic

Sustanon 350 Detailed

Active Life: Approx. 21 days
Average Dose: 250-1000 mg/week (males only)
Water Retention: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes

Sustanon 350 by Dragon Pharma

Sustanon 350 is an injectable steroid, this drug is also known as Sustanon and is made by Dragon Pharma.
Sustanon 350 in essence it is a mixture of testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. The different proportions of the esterified mixtures provide different half lives. This provides for a continuous release of testosterone from the injected site. Sustanon was widely used for the treatment of a few medical disorders in Europe. The drug was useful to treat infertility and administered once a month. While Sustanon has been heavily touted by athletes and bodybuilders as a drug of choice, a single formulation of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate can do the same thing. The combination of esters is better suited for the treatment of medical disorders and not for bodybuilders. One negative aspect about Sustanon 350 is that it does remain in the body for a very long time and can be easily detected in the urine.
Besides being an anabolic agent, Sustanon 350 also has the ability to increase the production of red blood cells. This results in more oxygen carrying capacity and hence more exercise endurance.

Sustanon 350 HOW DOES IT WORKS?

Sustanon 350 has been used widely by bodybuilders in the past. Why this testosterone formulation is preferred by some is not well understood. Some claim that there is less water retention and more muscle build up. However, like all testosterone products, Sustanon 350 is converted to estrogen in the body and can cause gynecomastia and water retention. To get rid of the water many builders also use diuretic medications.
Many bodybuilders use a combination of Sustanon 350, growth hormone or thyroxin during the stacking phase.
Sustanon 350 is taken for 4 weeks and then a wash out phase is undertaken. During the wash out phase, some athletes take Clomiphene, Tamoxifen or Arimidex. Because the Sustanon 350 suppresses the hypothalamic pituitary axis, a profound suppression of testosterone synthesis in the body occurs. For this reason it is important to taper off the drug slowly. It is recommended that one take 1-2 injections a month and then stop for a month. During the wash out phase, a mild anabolic steroid can be used, or one can use growth hormone/thyroxin.
The weight gain is gradual but significant. Most builders can expect weight gain of at least 15 - 25 lbs in 2-3 cycles (months). The other aspect of Sustanon 350 which has been observed is that it can significantly increase exercise endurance and provides for spontaneous bursts of energy. This has been linked to its effect on the red blood cells and the increased oxygen carrying capacity. Others claim that Sustanon can also increase the recovery time following an injury.
Sustanon 350 is only administered via an intramuscular injection. It is typically injected in the buttock area every week. The dose of Sustanon 350 usually starts off at 250 mg/week and gradually increased during each cycle. Some athletes use doses as high as 1000 mg/week. Once injected, Sustanon 350 remains in the body for about a month. For the majority of bodybuilders, a dose of 250-500 mg/week should be sufficient.
Although Sustanon 350 does not aromatize excessively when taken in a reasonable dosage many people, in addition, also take an antiestrogen such as Nolvadex and/or Proviron to prevent possible estrogen linked side effects. Since Sustanon 350 suppresses the endogenous testosterone production the intake of HCG and Clomid must be considered after six weeks or at the end of treatment. It is recommended that women not take depot testosterones since the androgen level would strongly increase and virilization symptoms could result. Despite this, it is not uncommon for female competing athletes in the higher weight classes to take testosterone since it helps in remaining "competi-tive." Women who use "Testo" or who would like to try it should limit its use to either only Testosterone Propionate or inject a maxi-mum of 250 mg Sustanon 350 every 10-14 days over a period of no longer than six weeks. At this point we would like to emphasize once more that steroid novices should stay away from all testosterone compounds since, at this time, they simply do not need them. The side effects of Sustanon 350 are similar to those of Testosterone Enanthate only that they are usually less frequent and less severe.Depending on the predisposition and dosage, the user can experience the usual androgenic linked side effects such as acne, aggressiveness, sexual overstimulation, oily skin, accelerated hair loss, and reduced production of the body's own hormones. Water retention and gynecomastia are usually within limits with the "Sustas" or are not as massive as with enanthate and cypionate. Liver damage is unlikely with Sustanon 350; however, in very high dosages, elevated liver values can occur which, after discontinuing use of the compound, usually go back to normal.

Sustanon 350 SIDE EFFECTS:

Like all anabolic steroid, Sustanon 350 also has side effects. Even though the side effects are rare, most builders will develop them when the drug is used for a long time. The most common side effects include: general fatigue; mood changes- depression, anger, anxiety, insomnia; gynecomastia; hair loss; impotence; retention of water; changes in liver enzymes; liver masses; testicular atrophy; acne, oily skin.
The majority of these side effects reverse when the drug is stopped. It is important that all individuals who use anabolic steroids have a follow up with a physician to monitor their liver. Rare cases of liver failure and cancers have been reported.

Sustanon 350 Reviews
Feb 15, 2022 (13:25)

Great Stuff, best I've had yet and something i order frequently

Mar 23, 2020 (21:13)

It’s been over 2 years since I last used this product, but having run many different manufacturers & types of testosterone, I can tell you that Dragon Pharma’s Sust 350 has BY FAR delivered the best results of them all. Again, it’s been a couple of years, & batches can vary in both potency & efficacy, but as of 2017, Dragon’s Sust 350 gave me the most significant gains, pound for pound, than any other. Having already been on trt with a different manufacturer, after making the switch to Dragon, I still managed to gain an extra 10-15 lbs AND became noticeably leaner in the midsection at the same time.

And it was all by mistake, my source accidentally sent me Dragon Pharma when I’d originally ordered a completely different manufacturers testosterone... so lucky break for me. Don’t let the appearance of their somewhat unprofessional appearing labels fool you, it does not seem that you can go wrong with Dragon Pharma products. Let’s hope it’s still as amazing this time around as it was two years ago!

Oct 23, 2013 (10:23)

Excellent product. Potency is true to the mg

Aug 21, 2013 (14:07)

I would like to order sustanon350. when will this product be in stock. Thanks. Jack

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