Dragon Pharma, Europe Masteron 200
Injectable Steroids

Masteron 200

150.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Pharmaceutical name: Drostanolone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)

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U.S. Domestic

Masteron 200 Detailed

Active Life: 2-3 days
Average Dose: Men 300-500 mg/week
Water Retention: No
Liver Toxic: No
Aromatization: None

Masteron 200 by Dragon Pharma

Masteron 200 is an injectable steroid made by Dragon Pharma Europe, its active substance is Drostanolone Enanthate.
Masteron 200 is perhaps one of the more exotic androgenic / anabolic steroids that may be used by an athlete. Originally it was developed and used as an anti-estrogen for the treatment of breast cancer. It was largely used in combination with the SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for the treatment of breast cancer, and did give a significant decrease in estrogen levels in women undergoing such treatment. It is not much used these days for such purposes, for varying reasons, however for many athletes including competitive bodybuilders in particular, Masteron 200 remains a rather unsung favourite of AS medicines.
The fact that Masteron 200 was being used as an anti-estrogen goes to suggest quite a lot about some properties Masteron 200 possesses. Masteron 200 is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and does not convert to estrogen through means of aromatisation. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron 200 may be in part to do with either an inhibition in some way of the aromatase enzyme or an interaction with estrogen itself in a way which blocks receptor binding of the estrogen. Either way, this would put Masteron 200 as a useful tool for the AS user who uses compounds that convert to estrogen (which most AS users do, considering testosterone is the main basis of most cycles). By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron 200 would be in effect blocking the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen by the aromatisation pathway. This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation, but it would also negate the side-effects that result from high levels of estrogen due to aromatisation. Such side effects include the development of gynecomastia and water retention/bloating. Conversely, if Masteron 200 actually blocks the binding of estrogen to the estrogen receptor (ER) in some way, although aromatisation of testosterone may occur, its effects would be limited due to the inability of the estrogen to bind to the ER. Thus through this mechanism, the effects of excess estrogen production through aromatisation would also be limited by use of this steroid.
Although Masteron 200 contains such anti-estrogenic properties, it also (being a DHT derivative) has anabolic and androgenic properties. Although in theory and on paper it may be seen to be not a very strong androgen, in fact Masteron 200 does give higher androgenic effects than one may expect. The use of Masteron 200, as it is an AAS, will shut down natural testosterone production and so despite having anti-estrogenic effects again, one must not think that Masteron 200 could be used as an option in post cycle therapy as it will inhibit recovery.
There are two forms of Masteron that are generally available for use – Drostanolone Propionate and Drostanolone Enanthate. The propionate version is usually dosed at 50-150mg/ml and is the fast acting version of Masteron, needing to be injected every other day. The enanthate version of Masteron is dosed normally at around 200mg/ml and needs only to be injected twice per week as the ester attached to the drostanolone is longer thus giving a slower release of hormone.

Masteron 200 HOW DOES IT WORKS?

Due to the effects of Masteron 200 on estrogen related side effects, Masteron 200 is a very useful tool (especially in competitive bodybuilding) when cutting. As higher levels of estrogen result in water retention, Masteron 200 inhibits water retention, and many users claim that their muscles feel very full and tight on Masteron 200, with it giving them amazing muscle pumps in the gym. Use of Masteron 200 (in combination with other appropriate meds) at low body fat levels results in the user seeing fine detail of the muscles being accentuated, such as striations and the fine details of the muscle. Masteron 200 helps draw out the water from between the skin and the muscle giving this very cut look (at low body fat levels). Not many other AS medicines can give such effects on muscle detail as those seen with Masteron 200.
Despite these effects of this steroid, it is a rather weak AS in itself. One would hardly benefit at all from use of Masteron 200 on its own, and furthermore use of Masteron 200 alone may result in loss of libido due to shutdown of the body's natural testosterone production. For these reasons, it is always recommended to stack Masteron 200 with other steroids.
It is said by many that using Masteron 200 is a waste when the user has a body fat percentage higher than 10-12%. I can understand the reasoning, and the user must understand that at higher body fat levels the detail to the muscle will not be seen in such a way as described, however I do not see it as a waste due to its anti-estrogenic properties. Such properties may allow one to not use other ancillaries on cycle that would have other undesirable side effects, and in addition Masteron 200 may work in a synergistic fashion with other AS medicines to amplify their effects (for example with testosterone as described above). Masteron 200 would however not be recommended for beginner use as it is not needed at this starting out level.

An example of an excellent cutting cycle for an advanced user would be: (6-10 weeks)

150mg Testosterone Propionate every other day
50mg Trenbolone Acetate every day (or 100mg every other day)
150mg Masteron 200 every other day50mg Winstrol every day, last 4 weeks of cycle only

Masteron 200 SIDE EFFECTS:

As discussed, Masteron 200 possesses anti-estrogenic properties which results in the elimination of many of the unwanted side effects that AS users may experience, such as gynecomastia, water retention and dangerous increases in blood pressure. Although Masteron 200 is a weak steroid and on paper it has low androgenic properties, it has already been mentioned that in practice the androgenic properties appear to be slightly higher than in theory, and secondly Masteron 200 is a DHT derivative.
Briefly however, the side effects that may occur with use of Masteron 200 include hair loss (if prone to male pattern baldness), aggression and acne. If a user does experience acne with other androgens such as testosterone, then it is a real possibility that they may experience it with the use of Masteron 200. I know of people who experience only a few spots with the use of testosterone however when using Masteron 200 they experience many more spots. On the other hand, there are users who seem to experience less spots on Masteron 200 than they do on Trenbolone.

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